It's been hard for sister to tell you all this, but we want everyone to know what's going on.
We don't know if you noticed, but Isis has has a bit of a 'tilt'. She tilts to the right. Now normally, this is a big characteristic of 'Vestibular Disease'. When your eyes shift and you tilt and you can't find up.
That' s what we kind of thought it was. But not to go on this long.
Dr. J says that she has a Neurological disorder, so that she feels like she's tipping- but it's not vestibular, because vestibular comes in cycles. Or waves, but doesn't come and stay. Isis hasn't gotten better. Since may, she's gotten worse.
What we originally thought was just arthritis, is more than that. Yes she has it, but she steps out funny, very 'high steps' he called it. So that she doesn't stumble. She can't see as well, and he doesn't know why because she doesn't have cataracts.
It's not a brain tumor- because she wouldn't have made it this long. And she's not showing seizure activity, but we don't know what it is. She's been showing symptoms for about 2 years. But since may it's gotten really bad.
He said we could take her to a neurologist, but that would be tons of monies, and lots of tests and for what? nothing. Just a confirmation. They can't stop the process or whatever is going on. All they can do is tell us what it is. And we don't want her spending however much time she does have, being tested on.
he said she looks like she's aged since just may, and he doesn't know why. He doesn't know how long she does have, but he is very hopeful that its a few years- he said she's a tough dog, and he has faith in her strength.
So if you don't see as many photos of her, it's more that i don't want her looking tilted in them.
I don't want her looking clumsy.
Please just keep her in your thoughts.
thank you.
We are thinking many positive thoughts for you, Isis! We hope someone can maybe shed some light on this for you? Our paws are crossed!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh dear friend, I LOVE to see pictures of you no matter what angle you are at. No illness can erase your elegance or beautiful soul. Don't hide from us...even if it just pictures of you sitting or lying down, you will always be the perfect Eskie Princess to me. We all send you positive thoughts and woofs of comfort...and lots of love!
Oh no, we hope she can fight through this. Mommy had the doctor give Mack acupuncture. That seemed to help.
Sally Ann
we would like to echo what miss white dog said above-woo are very bwootiful eskie isis:) our thoughts & prayers are with woo,
I will have my paws crossed for you!
Yes... I like to come and see you in your posts too!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We have our paws crossed for you, Isis. Lots of loving thoughts and healing prayers are being sent your way. We love seeing pictures of you...no matter what.
Teddy Bear
I will ditto all the sentiments our furiends pawed before me!
Sending some comforting purrrsss and hopeful purrrayers to Princess Isis.
Hello Princess Isis,
Maggie told me about you, so I wanted to drop by with some good healing vibes. I have some neurological problem too that causes me to stumble..... we are not sure what its from either although we have a few guesses. Like you guys, mum has decided to not go for further testing since it won't change our course of plans.
I hope you get better, and I think you still look very booootiful in your pics!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Princess Isis, I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. It sounds scary and confusing. My thoughts are with you. Your family will make sure that you are comfortable, don't worry. Sometimes it can be so hard to know what is wrong because us doggies can't talk. I hope that you are still able to get around and enjoy your snackies and tummy rubs.
We're very sorry you are having this issue, Isis! Our mom had a Mini Schnauzer that had something similar. As it progressed, Daisy would fall down on her side and Mom would bend down and pet her and start crying. Every time it happened, our mom thought, "This is IT!" After a few minutes, Daisy would jump up, shake herself off, and look at Mom like, "What is the matter with you?" Daisy lived about another 2 1/2 years after it started, which made her 14! We will keep all our paws crossed for you! And send Aire-zen and good vibes!
Penny & Patches
Dear Isis,
We are so sorry u aren't keeping well. Tel Hansel not to worry about photographs. we love you and wish u will have a painfree life ahead of you.
we have our fingers crossed and are hoping there will be some miracle and you will be well again.
wags n heaps of hugs,
buddy n ginger n mummy too
Hi there Princess Isis! I heard about you through Mitch and Maggie's blog. Although mommy and I don't have any medical insight or experience with your condition :( we are here to give you and your family friendly support and send you lots of prayers!!
You are one super pretty girl!! Take care,
Jada & Mommy
I sniffed my way over from Maggie & Mitch's blog... sure do hope you can remain comfortable! My Aunt Maggie had the vestibular disease at one point. She's still a little "tilted" but manages to get around just fine! I hope you start feeling better. Paws are crossed for you, my new blog friend!
We cam by to say hello and send good vibes for Isis. Maggie and Mitch sent us. We hope you get some answers about her condition. There must be someone out there who can help.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We came by to say hello. We followed you from Maggie & Mitch's blog. You are such a Beautiful Dog Iris, and you will be in our thoughts and prayers here in NH.
Your Friends
Hello dere Isis,
My furiends Maggie & Mitch told me a little 'bouts what is going on wif you and it makes me sad.
Mom and me don't have any answers for you but we are sending puppy prayers your way.
WOofs and Licks,
Maggie MAe
Sweet Isis we are so sorry to hear this. We're purring and praying for you. We love you no matter how you look.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Dear Iris, we heard about you from Maggie and Mitch. We are so very sorry to hear that you are sick and we will be sending you lots of positive thoughts and vibes. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Isis. We learned about you through Maggie and Mitch and are pleased and honored to meet you. We are sorry to hear about your challenges. When we read about them, the symptoms remind us of our fox terrier friend Justin. He has struggled with similar issues ... and still does. We are going to send your page to his people ... we hope you don't mind. Sometimes it helps to know someone who is dealing with similar things.
Keeping you in our thoughts,
Jake and Fergi
Pee esS. Do you Facebook? Justin's family does.
I am a friend of Maggie and Mitch and I wanted to tell you that I send positive thoughts and cross my paws for you to get better
We heard back from Justin's family. They would really like to be in touch with you. We looked and couldn't find an email on your page ... could you visit us, please, and let us know if you'd like to communicate with them. They said that Justin's history and symptoms and all the thoughts from the doctors have been nearly identical to yours, Isis.
By the way ... we are in close contact with several of your friends. White Dog. Maggie and Mitch. Mango. The OP Pack. Khyra. All of them have our email address.
Hoping to hear from you.
Jake and Fergi
Isis, its been a while since I left comments on your bloggy, and now reading about your condition, I am so, so, sad.
My friend, please know that you are in my thoughts and I will pray for you. I know you are a brave girl, so please keep fighting. I will be cheering for you.
your friend,
w00fs, ooo Isis, i left u getting home from the beach and now this..i sure hope its just a passing thing and u will b ok soon..me got my paws crossed and mamas got u in her prayers for a quick recovery...
b safe and get well,
we are sending you lots of love and the power of the Bs.
we totally agree with what you said about the neurologist and being tested on and spending lots of moneys. our Baxter went to a neurologist, our mom spended tons of moneys (that she couldn't afford) and we didn't even get a definitive diagnosis. the human feels sooooo bad that she put Baxter through that and it didn't make him one bit better.
you are smart to avoid that - just give her your love and attention and that's the best treatment for any dog and any illness. your vet sounds like a smart person also. you are lucky.
woofs. from the 4Bs and our human.
I am so vewy vewy sad to wead this..I will keep Isis in my thoughts and pwayews..please let hew at least have no pain and be able to enjoy whatevew time she has
We love hew and send smoochie healing kisses
ASTA and Mommi
Oh Isis! I'm so sorry to hear about this. We love you and your stories. We will be praying for you and your family that you all stay strong.
We're sending lots of positive healing powers from our side of the world.
Maxie and Mom
How are you doing, Isis? We think about you so often!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Isis,
I just read about the tilt thing. I had no idea... we've been so out of touch with everyone. Your sister is a smart cookie. We know that whatever your sister and mom decides is the best course of action for you. There is no sense in getting all those tests done if it's only to confirm the tilt and the course of action will still be the same. I know your parents and sister will make you comfortable as best they can. You're in good hands. I know that for sure. We're sending pawsitive thoughts your way and hoping you're feeling okay. Also, we enjoy seeing photos of you, no matter what they may be. But, we certainly understand why your sister might not photo many. Please take care, Isis.
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