Breaking News. Regular posts under this one!

My blog is updated ahead of time- if i take a while to get back to your comments, i'm sorry! I still love you all and will visit whenever sister can help me.

Sister also helps my nephew Hansel blog - and it's updated ALMOST every day.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Awardy Sunday

Hi friends, thanks to my new friend Mini i have a new award!

"With the Premium Dardos, recognize the values that each blogger shows each day in commitment to transmit cultural values, ethical, literary, personal etc. that, in short, demonstrate their creativity by alive thinking that remains intact from their letters and words. " This label implies two rules: the first, link the blog to which he received the award. The second - pick blogs to deliver the prize.

So, i will now pass along my prize to good friends.

crikit sparky and ginger
Daisy the curly cat
and, everyone's favorite meezers and bill!

Hope you all had a great weekend, it rained like crazy here!


Daisy said...

Congratulations on your award! And thank you ever so much for thinking of me, too!

The Meezers or Billy said...

concatulations!! wowie!!! fank you so much!!! we is so 'acited.

MOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!! get off your hiney and post these awardies for us!!! SHEESH!!!

Lacy said...

w00f's Isis, mama and daddy garden iz done fur this year...and those iz sum bute ti ful flowers...congrats on ur award...

b safe,

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Princess Isis!

Congratulations! You so deserve it and may we say you made our day! We sure don't feel we deserve it but we will proudly & excitedly accept it yeah!

Waggin' TX tails going to town

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Pawsome! I love it!
Thanks for the Award, I'll bring it to bed with me tonight. Sweet dream, princess Isis.

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Isis!

I'm only finding some time to check out all my friends' bloggies after Mom has been away...hope you had a great weekend too! Congrats on getting the award!

I also love the views of the lily photos that your sister did! They look GORGEOUS! Catch up again soon...=)


Hana said...

Hi Isis! Congratulations on your award and thank you for the award!!! I don't really deserve it... I hardly post anymore! You are so good at posting daily and you also post photos which is always fun to see.

Duke said...

Congratulations on your award, Isis!
We're getting way too much rain at our house too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

White Dog Blog said...

Thank you so much for the very complimentary award. The praise of such an accomplished blogger is greatly valued.