Breaking News. Regular posts under this one!

My blog is updated ahead of time- if i take a while to get back to your comments, i'm sorry! I still love you all and will visit whenever sister can help me.

Sister also helps my nephew Hansel blog - and it's updated ALMOST every day.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring Adventures

As you all i'm sure have noticed-

Spring is here. I love the full bloom of everything, but, as i'm sure all my eskie friends know and understand- sometimes its hard with all this fur! Oh my gosh!

Thank you all for your continued prayers for my boy... he did have to go into the hospital last weekend again... sister and i had been out for a 4 mile walk! and found out that he was in the hospital. I was pretty sad.

But, since the blood transfusion... he seems to be doing much better than he was. I'm pretty glad about that. He's sitting up more, and doing a bit better. But, we still have a long way to go.

Mom and Sister took me out into the 'way back' of the yard today. A separate section that my dad is going to close off soon so i'll have even MORE space to run. Right now its not fenced in.

Me and mom head to the walkway.

I wait for the gate to open.

Walking to the back. I pause to be pretty.

Welcome to the way back.

These are Forsythia my dad planted years ago in the backyard. Pretty!


A simple Dandelion.

I start to explore.

I stand by mom and dad. See their feets?! Dad's is the jeans.

Whats over there mom?!


Do your moms run with you?!

Dad holds the gate for us.

Some purple flower.

Some little yellow flowers. (i don't have the heart to tell sister that not EVERYONE likes looking at flowers all the time.)

I wonder whats over there?

Running some more!

We found this hole in the yard! i wonder who lives here?


Back to the main part of the yard.

These are called Grape Hyacinths. Dad thought they were just weeds. But they're really pretty.

Their flowers are like little bells. (or grapes. i think they're more like bells.)

Wow we've done so much today!

I'm so tired. i think i'll lay here for a while. Thanks for coming on my adventure!

Keep thinking of my boy and send all your good thoughts and prayers our way! Thank you friends!



Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hi Isis! We're so pleased your boy is doing better. Your land is beeuutiful and so are all the flowers but not as beeuutiful as you. We'll keep praying.

Love Licks waggin TX tails

Duke said...

Lots more AireZen is coming your boy's way, Isis! We love all the pretty flowers in your yard!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Isis!
Sure is nice to hear that your brother is doing better. I still have my paws crossed for him!
You have a very nice yard with all those pretty flowers!
Kisses and hugs

Hana said...

Hi Isis! We're glad to hear your boy is doing much better after the transfusion. We are still crossing our paws and fingers for him and hope he gets even betterer.

Wow, look at your yard! What a great dogventure you had, and right in your own backyard!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I'll keep my paws crossed for your boy. You have a pawsome yard. :)

~ Girl girl

Kodak the Eskie said...

What a really nice post. I enjoyed all the nature pictures. I'm glad the boy is doing better. My prayers are with you. I know you are busy with all that, but stop by and see that I may have a new furbaby..... It's on trial because he has some fear issues and he comes from a dog trainer/shower. ? how does that happen?

Kathy, Clive's Mom

Lacy said...

woofies and burfs isis, dose flowers iz bute ti ful, but me wood try to eat them...glad u boy iz feelin better...still gots him in our prayers...

b safe,

Casper and pals said...

Wow it's nice and the grass is so green where you live. You have lots of nice flowers too! We are gonna post today on our blog about what our weather has been like lately.

Casper and pals said...

Oh and we still are thinking about your boy and have our paws crossed that he gets better!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

We're still thinking pawsitive thoughts for your boy!