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Sister also helps my nephew Hansel blog - and it's updated ALMOST every day.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A walk in the yard

This is some white thing that mom got last year.
She wanted it for years.
Dad finally got it for her last year.

A better shot.

Some random weeds growing with purple flowers.

Flowers on the smelly tree.

The smelly tree.

Grammy's flowers.

Dad cleared out this part of the woods in our yard
and made a path, so you can walk around the pool section.

The palm plant that i stole the rock from.
Dad made it a rock wall.
Hope he doesn't notice i had borrowed one.
I'm pretty sure he put it back.

Basil baby plant being planted.

The tiger lilies in the back of the yard. They're bigger than the ones in the front.
Probably because dad hasn't messed with these.

Tomato plants just planted.

Mom just got these snow peas.
She's pretty excited.

Then we take a walk into the 'way back' of the yard.
Dad finally fenced it in so i can explore freely.

All the trees on the outside of the mesh fence,
were planted by my dad about 12 years ago.
Since that was long before my time, dad had to care for them

I inspect the trees.

Looks like you did a fine job dad!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

However did your dad do it without WOO???

Tank woo fur the tour!

Woo have a pretty bakhkyard with lots of beaWOOtiful plants!

Mom started to drool over the basil and snow peas! Peas of all kinds are her favourite vegetable!


White Dog Blog said...

Your yard is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing. It looks like there will be lots of new plants that need your special attention this summer.

Teddy Bear said...

You have an amazing backyard, Isis! You must love walking through it and keeping and eye on everything.:)

Teddy Bear

Lorenza said...

Hi, Isis!
Yes, I am so envy of your backyard!
It looks pawesome to run and run around!
All the plants are very nice!
I know you take good care of them!
Kisses and hugs

The Florida Furkids said...

You're really good at garden snoopervision!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

L said...

Thanks for the tour of your yard. It's huge with all sorts of interesting plants to smell.

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Whoa...pretty pretty flowers and plants! If only our backyard had so many flowers and plants! Thanks for sharing the photos with us!
