Hi guys! its been a really really long time since i've updated. But i promise, that sister took this great video of us playing, and will be uploading it pretty soon! However, its really long, so its going to take a while to download. I think she's going to do it this weekend so you all can see how much fun we have. :) I hope everyone is doing well!

CLIVE'S BLOGGY! His mom needs prayers and good wishes! Please please! she got really bad news, and she needs some hope!
Hi IsIs! we've been wondering whatcha been up to. can't wait to see how much fun you have. mom so knows about the video uploading taking furever! so we keep ours short cos our computee has snails.
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
Hi Isis! Thanks for posting an update. You look like a model in a magazine in your 2nd photo. Like you are advertising a house or something. :-)
Yes, poor Clive and his Mom. I hope the medicines work or that we hear some good news soon.
Hi, Isis!
I can't wait to see your video!
I have my paws crossed for Clive.
Kisses and hugs
Can't wait to see vid of you Isis. Poor Clive, I hope he gets better soon
~ Girl girl
We can't wait to see your video, Isis!
Our paws are crossed for Clive!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
it's me Mona
me wants ya to come over and tell what breed Copper is.
bet ya can't guess!!
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