Hello pups! Good news! My vet appointment last friday went really really well! ... unfortunately they did have to clip my nails... but i was reaaaaaal good cuz mutti talked to me the whole time! So i didnt try to eat my doctor.
yesterday, sister came over and hung out with me for a little bit. Sometimes she comes home for lunch on wednesdays, and she almost always is here on thursdays! Its nice.
Yesterday she brought her camera with her.
She told me to come outside with her so she could get nice pictures, so i stood at the top of the stairs. It was very windy and cold...

I told her no! we go back inside its too cold.

Then she made me get on the couch and took some more pictures. I cooperated this time.

Theres the nice one there... See my lovely profile?

Sister tried to get me to pose some more but... i wasnt doing it. I just didnt want to! So i made her play donkey instead.

Sister got this great action shot of me throwing donkey around. I like to shake things up. :)

Sister said she and mutti got so much shopping done today. Sister says, she got all my presents already! And there's more than one! Yay! She also said she only has 2 more presents for christmas left. And then 2 birthdays are coming up! Brother and grammy have birthdays right in december!
I'm excited for birthdays and christmas! I'm a winter dog! I love this cold! And i look so good in green and red!
love to all my friends,