Hello friends! Sister is trying to help me post more often.
Today, i went to Tesla's house. This is my niece. You click her picture to learn more about her.

She didn't come out of her house the whole time i was there! The nerve of some kittens! I just wanted to bark at her.
Then we went for a walkie!

Look at me go!

We found some nice flowers.

There were nice trees to sniff.

Theres the bridge! I like to drink the water near it. See the bridge?

These are some views of my favorite water spot.

Up the steep slope

Round the bend...

What? More flowers? Come on sister.

Here are some pretty purple ones...

But then, as we were walking... something smelled really really bad... kind of like... a hiney... this seemingly innocent weed... not so innocent. the cause of much pain to the nostrils.

Then back to sisters house.

I spent a lot of time looking out the back door at the porch and the people walking by.

It was a good day.