Sorry we haven't been getting to your comments or your blogs lately. Please be patient with us! Sister has been very very busy with work.
We have seen all your comments, and hopefully will be able to get back to all of you this weekend and catch up on your blogs.
We're supposed to (if its warm enough) go to the park tomorrow, me
and ben. So this way, i should have MANY new pictures to show you!
Until then, here is a picture of Ben in his Ribbon Necklace sister made him.

More pictures of that soon.
But if you want the REAL DEAL- you should go visit
Hana's mom's page.
She taught us how to make them!
She's amazing!
Thanks to my friend Jimmy Joe, i have this great award:

This is what it says about the award:
"..."These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
My eight chosen (hard to do) are:
Chow Chow
maggie and mitch
meezers and bill
And now, from Chow Chow, the Honest Scrap Award:
"When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog”. Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!"
1. I hardly eat my food. I much prefer to hold out for the pretzels or whatever else my dad is holding. He always shares.
2. Everytime my dad is wearing a hat, i steal it. i will bark and bark at him until he gives in and hands it to me if i can't reach it.
3. My boy knows that i like to take his socks. When he arrives home from school, i go over there and immediately declare they are to be given to me. He doesn't argue.
4. My dr. says i'm absolutely the perfect weight and size, and he calls me a big fluff ball. We're friends.
5. Sister says i'm her favorite pup to take pictures of, because i always look regal. And, when i'm not looking regal, i'm just plain cute.
6. I HATE when you touch my feet or brush me. if you do this, i will try to bite your hands off. The only one who's allowed to touch my feet is my dr.
7. I really don't like other dogs. But i'll tolerate ben because he belongs to sister. Stupid sister.
8. I love the snow. sometimes, if its been snowing, mom can't get me to come back inside.
9. I like to make my hoomans take me on rides. I don't care where you're going, i want to come. I like the car, and you can't leave without me.
10. I greet the door by 'woo-ing'. I woo woo woo when you enter, then squeal, bring you a toy and woo some more. Sometimes, i woo with a toy in my mouth.
I pass this along to EVERYONE!