thanks to sister being stupid, we didn't get any pictures of me at the vet in my collar. Everyone did love it though! they came from all over the building to get a look at me when they heard i was there and how EXTRA beautiful i was! I did however, get a picture after with her camera.

Me after my rabies vaccine. hurrah! Last one for this year is next friday, when i receive my lymes. I hate shots. But i don't mind my doctor. I like him a lot. I even let him cut my nails with out even a grumble! thats amazing! If sister or anyone else even touches them (other doctors too) i growl and show my teefies. But when he does it, i just wag and smile at him while he tells me how good i'm being.
Wanted to take a special moment to mention my new friends blogs, the
Duo Disaster and
Scottie who is a mini schnauzer (sister's favorite!).
Sister said that probably next year (depending on the housing situation) she will try her best to get her own min schnau. She's calls them Schnaus- pretty much because, well, she's slightly dumb. All the ladies that come into work know her as the schnauzer lady, and they all look for her when they come in. Everyone lets her know when one comes in, because she just adores them! It all started with this one that came in 2 years ago. The first one she ever met. And she just fell in love with him.
He's passed away since then, back in the spring, and sister was there with him. She said it was one of the hardest things ever (as a tech you have to be the one to hold the animal during the procedure) and she was lucky to get to say goodbye. She is also friends with the family. Its amazing how much love an animal can bring, and new friends as well. He had been getting really sick, and was snapping at people and trying to bite. But when it was time, sister held him, he didn't growl or snap. they knew each other, he looked in her eyes and let her know he knew it was time. They all said their goodbyes.
Sister keeps in touch with the family. She hopes they'll get another one as well, maybe even litter mates. She still gets tears in her eyes thinking about him and that time, how peaceful and wonderful he was. He will always have a special place in her heart. The lady will also be coming to sister's pups first visit to the doctor. She asked if that would be ok, and sister thinks the idea is fantastic! So its because of this pup that sister decided this is the dog for her. She loves all kinds of breeds, but this is just it, and she knows it.
I've received an award from
the duo disaster!

Thank you so much friends!
To pass this award on...
Scottie my new friend!
Hana my good eskie friend who i love so much!
Kodak whom i also love very much!
Ronak even though he doesn't blog enough, we always laugh and love his pictures!
Maggie and Mitch for always having lots to tell us about, and never being dull!
Now, on a sad note.
Since sister is
Tesla's mom, she spends much time on the cat blogosphere. They have there own news page, and update and take care of each other. Sister thinks the system is fantastic! And she's bringing it to you. You don't have to do anything, but if you are interested in helping other families in need (not just cats, dogs, humans) you should check out
the blogosphere yourself. They have prayer requests for one another- postings of sick kitties and everyone donates and helps each other pay for surgeries, treatments, meds, or our newest donation- airline tickets.
Right now,
Monty Q Cat has lost his human baby. At just 3 months old, she took a spill in the kitchen and hit her head on saturday. Rushed to the emergency room, the family was under the impression the baby would be ok. 130 sunday afternoon the baby passed away in its mothers arms.
Now, theres a funeral this weekend, and the cats are trying desperately to pull together and help out. they would like to send
Lynn, the godmother, to the funeral and help out with funds. Now, if you are interested in helping, there are several ways.
One, you can go directly to the
Blogosphere and click the donation button. Every little bit helps.
Two, there is an auction being held by
grr, midnight, and cocoa kitties. Unfortunately they are just kitty things, and most of you are pups.
Three, another auction is here at
Beau's selling 'squillions' which are statues of kitties. This one will not be up for long. But at least its something that you could actually use.
thats all for today,
Hope you can help, if not thats fine. Just leave nice notes for the family of Sprout. Thank you all for listening!