Guess what sister brought me?! TOYS!
Its a hide a bee toy. Its really really cool! Look, i can fit my nose inside!
They can separate?
GIMME the bee. Thank you.
Closer look....
Then i got a birthday cake, just like sister gave Hana for her birthday. She thought it was soooo cute!
Look at this bee in his hive...
now just this bee...
Thats mine thanks.
Happy birthday, Isis! Those are some really cool stuffies! We love the bee!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Yappy Barkday, Isis! You got some cool fun presents! Isn't the barkday cake awesome? My momma wanted to make you a barkday necklace but she has been so busy lately, so it will be very late for your barkday. She hasn't started on it yet :-( but, hopefully she will soon!!!!
By the way, great photos!!! I hope you got to eat some people cake too!
p.s. Do you have any preference in colors for your barkday necklace? Let my Mom know! You will look very nice in whatever colors you choose because you're an eskie and eskies look good in any colors!
Happy Birthday Isis!
Looks like you had a great time celebrating your big day!
You got very nice presents!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Birthday to you Isis. :)
Those are really cool presents that you got
~ Girl girl
Princess Isis! Happy Barkieday! Wow we love your stuffies! We didn't see your barkieday on the calendar so we need to run home and make you a card.
We'll be back... Love Licks
Princess! trot over when you get a chance we got your barkieday card ready!
Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud jus fur you!
pee ess: we love all your stuffies but your cake stuffie is our favorite!
w00f's isis, happy late barkday to uuuu...we hopes u goted lots of pressies and trweats...heehee love u bee and ur cake...hope u has many many more barkdays..
b safe,
~rocky and company~
Happy Birthday Princess Isis!!! You got so many great toys! I can't wait to see you play with them all.
Wishing you lots of treats and tummy rubs!
Hugs, Kodak
happy birthday isis..your toys are so funny
a big hug
Hi, Isis -
We have been blogging for a few months and saw you had a birthday. Happy Belated Birthday!
Hershey and Kaci
P.S. That cake stuffie is pawsome!
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