The rules for accepting the award are as follows:
1. Add the logo of the award to our blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!
Even though i mentioned it before- i got this from Maggie & Mitch.
Now the rules want me to nominate 7 others... so here goes:
Kodak, Comet & Blu, Hana, Lorenza, The Hudson Furkids, and Ronak.
I know thats only six... but these are my very favorite bloggys to read.
Now i was outside the other day watching over my dad's garden- (pretty soon i'll be the yard supervisor, i'm expecting a promotion from pool overseer sometime in the near future)- and i found something very disturbing.
It looks like some deer have been sneaking into the very back of the garden- the newest part that is NOT fenced in the rest of the yard.
They must be coming in at night- and they are just the right height to simply put their heads over the small mesh like fence dad made to keep those pesky bunnies out.
Now i'm going to have to find a good way to scare off these deer....
w00f's Isis, congrats on ur award, and thank u so much fur passing it on to us...dose waskley deers...just done do what the dachsies do and hunt and play wiff copperhead snakies...
b safe,
Hi Isis! Wow, congratulations on your award, and thank you for the award, too! There are so many great blogs out there... I'm honored to receive an award.
You had better let Copper know about those deer because he's got the same plant you've got! I don't think he's yard supervisor... but maybe he just hasn't mentioned it to us. I know... maybe his Mom will promote him to yard supervisor and he can chase deer and critters away from his yard... like the snake that tried to pass through a few months ago.
You need to learn how to make the look that Ronak made in the last post about the tasmainiam devil...that would frighten the deer away!
Gosh, we sure hope those deer aren't eating veges that belong to YOU, Isis! Maybe a scarecrow would work?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Isis!
congratulations on your brillante award and thanks for giving it to me!
Deers on your backyard?? sounds pawesome!
Take care
Congratulations on your award and thank you for nominating us! Now we will have to decide out of all the other great blogs who to nominate.
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