Breaking News. Regular posts under this one!

My blog is updated ahead of time- if i take a while to get back to your comments, i'm sorry! I still love you all and will visit whenever sister can help me.

Sister also helps my nephew Hansel blog - and it's updated ALMOST every day.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Mansion- Part 2

Continuing our mansion trip pictures:

Here i am walking with mom. I like it here. There's a nice breeze, and its so bright and sunny and pretty out!

Here is a close up shot of the terrace wall. There were people actually walking on the terrace so we couldn't go up there and take closer shots, we're pretty sure they were talking about a reception there, and we didn't want to get in the way. Next time!

Here are some red and white plants. I'm not sure what they are. Does anyone know? We're particularly fond of the white plant- it looks like a snow plant :) Mom loves the snow. SO DO I! I'm a snow dog. :)

Here is another plant, not sure what this one is. These are ALL growing on the side of the terrace wall. They are nice clean leaves :)

Here is a side view of me. Sister can never get enough of taking my picture. Even when i stop posing. She always seems to be taking pictures!

Here is a shot of the top windows of the house... mom swore she saw a face up there. However, the mansion is completely shut down today. No one is inside. However, sister has seen the same thing before- and had never told mom about it. Once she was here at night with her friend, when a light came on in that same window! Could it be a ghost? A REAL haunted mansion? Well, sister has been in the house once when it was open to the public and after a certain floor it was all closed off so you couldn't get up there to check it out... she still wonders about it.

Maybe they have a light timer? No one seems to know... and we've never seen it happen since... but mom really thinks she saw a face in this window... maybe it was just a reflection of light caught in a strange way? Or maybe... it really is haunted... o0o0o0o0o0o0o.... (thats a ghost noise)

However, nothing scares me! Here are some flowers that are growing happily on the mulch. They are cute little flowers!

Here i am smelling this little bush! Its so cute i just had to smell it. I smelled too long though and mom said it was time to move on! Jeez. Impatient hoomans. sometimes, you just have to smell things!

... the end to be continued...


Lorenza said...

Do you think it is an enchanted mansion??
I'd be scared to be there at night!
Kisses and hugs

Hana said...

Tell your Mom that sometimes we need to stop and smell the roses. That's some kind of expression humans use, so I hear.

As for one of those plants, is it a caladium?

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's a nice walkie.. except for the scary mansion..

~ Girl girl

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

That's a scary mansion now that you mention about your Mom and sister seeing things there! o.O" But I still love the flower shots! And you look dazzling in the sunlight! *grins*


The Musketeers said...

Thanks for hopping by to our blog !
Wee , Nice pictures you got (:
Takecares !


Duke said...

We think the red plant might be coleus and the white one might be dusty miller?? We can't really see enough of it to tell!
We're not sure we'd want to go inside that mansion knowing that it could be haunted! NO WAY!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch