Breaking News. Regular posts under this one!

My blog is updated ahead of time- if i take a while to get back to your comments, i'm sorry! I still love you all and will visit whenever sister can help me.

Sister also helps my nephew Hansel blog - and it's updated ALMOST every day.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Photo Hunters #1: View

Hi friends. Sister decided to enter me into a photo hunters thing this week. While tesla is doing the view of her pretty face, i'm going to be doing several different views of the same stargazer lily.

This view was after sister sprayed the flower with some water, to create the effect. She thought it would look really pretty.

The view of the inside- you can see that the "stamen" of the flower has been cut. When you have lilies, as soon as they bloom, and the stamen is present, you're supposed to cut that off, it keeps them bloomed longer. We have no idea why, its just what we were told to do. These lilies were for sister's birthday a week and a half ago. The pictures were taken last week. They're just dying now. They live MUCH longer with that cut.

another view of the flower.

Here is one view that sister manipulated slightly. We changed the lighting to let you see the flower differently.

Here is another view in sepia. No matter how many different ways you photograph the lily- it still remains beautiful. :)

I hope you enjoyed my view of the lily. :)


Pok Dell said...

Great attempt on the macro..

The Island Cats said...

Those are some great close-up views!

Brownie said...

Amazing views! Perfect for the theme, congratulations :D

Mini said...

Amazing close-up views!


Daisy said...

Very very beautiful! I never noticed all the different colors in that flower until I saw your close-ups.

White Dog Blog said...

Your human is a very talented and creative photographer. We really liked the sepia version but all were incredible! We hope she wins.

My name is Athapaskan Indian (an Eskimo tribe) word meaning "Ice." Marie is a middle name my mom gave me so when she is made she can say "Siku MARIE!!!"

We also wish you and your mom luck on the fundraising; we have so many less fortunate brothers and sisters.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Nice Views of a lily!!
Remember that the pollen of a lily is very dangerous to a cat.
~ Noah

Kodak the Eskie said...

Great photographs! Very O'keefe!!

Hugs, Kodak

Duke said...

What beautiful photos! Mom loves Lillies!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

w00f's Isis, bute ti ful picksurs of the lilly...

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Those are great pictures!
Very artistic!
Kisses and hugs

Chrissie said...

I like your views, but I didn't see anything I could eat! My mom says I shouldn't be thinking of eating since she just fed me..She thinks your views are gorgeous!

The Devil Dog said...

We enjoyed your lily photos very much.


Jimmy Joe said...

Wow, Isis, those are beautiful pictures! Your family obviously really knows how to appreciate beauty.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Kaz's Cats said...

Great photos!


Gypsy & Tasha

Mini said...

Isis I have an award for you waiting at my blog!

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

lovely ~ we think we can smell then all the way over here!


White Dog Blog said...

Does sister sell her beautiful artwork? I absolutely love the sepia version of the lily and would be interested in owning a print of it if she does. Please ask her to let me know.

Siku's mom, Susan

White Dog Blog said...

Isis, Tell sister that she really has a talent that is marketable. I would be interested in 9x12 size. Also, would be interested in purchasing same size of the version with water drops...if she would not be offended if I framed that one and donated it to the local Junior League charity auction to benefit Project SHARE (my friend is head of acquisitions committee and as an artist I would love to see the work of a fellow emerging talent on display. Of course, she must sign both prints!!! My gmail account is sometimes unreliable so if you contact me at we can discuss the business details...and yes, there MUST be business details.

I am so excited.

White Dog Blog said...

And yes, I would love to see more sepia tones!


Hana said...

Isis, you are going to be famous!!! Is your Mom going to have her piece shown by Siku's Mom? Wow, what an honor!!!!!