Sister took a short break from blogging. She's back now to help me again.
For news on what's going on with the cats,
please see the new blog, over at The World of Hansel
However, here is the new pup, Ben.
They decided to keep his name.

I got to meet ben.
I HATE other animals. cats, dogs, anything. I try to eat them.
But ben and i, well. we're doing just fine.

He smells kind of funny.
Ben is cute! I was so happy when I found out that Hansel got his own blog and it seems like things are working out good.
w00f's Isis, me went over to see Hans and, those bites looks like they reelly glad sister and hans is back..
b safe,
Hi Isis! That woofie Ben looks like he has a beard!!! We're glad you two are doing okay...don't eat him...okay???
(pee ess. Isis, you're kinda big...I don't think you'd fit in my ham-mick, 'specially if I'm in it too! ~Zoey)
We are so glad that your sister is back blogging. Her owies look like they hurt. We hope she heals up fast. Ben is really cute! I bet he does smell funny.
Hugs, Kodak
Ben is adorable, and that Hansel is back blogging is great! I hope everything is going great out there too!
Well OF COURSE Ben smells funny! He's not an eskie, is he?
You don't like peanut butter? How come? If we made bacon wrapped treats here, I don't think they'd ever leave the house to be mailed to you because I'd eat them ALL before they'd ever get packaged.
Today my Mom made me some cheddar cheese cookies, but my Mom can tell I am not as fond of them as the peanut butter cookies. She also made herself her own cookies with these red sprinkles on them. I saw some bone shaped people cookies so maybe Mom will let me have a bite or two.
We're so glad you and Ben are getting along, Isis! We hope it continues to get better and better! Ben is sure handsome!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Glad you and Ben are getting along. I'll come and visit you and go over to Hansel's site. SS is bizzy these days and we are not doing much visiting or blogging.
Hi, Isis!
Glad your sister is helping you again with your blog.
I saw her pictures with the injuries! I hope they are healed now.
Ben is so cute. I hope you get along well!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We're glad you didn't eat Ben!! Ben looks cute and friendly. Since Eskies don't have a smell, we think Ben must really smell funny to you. Don't worry, you'll get used to it!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
It's nice that you and Ben are doing okay - we hope that you get to be great friends as you get to know each other,
Gypsy & Tasha
Good to see that Ben and you are getting along just fine.
Ben is mighty cute Isis! :) It seems we have a lot more in common than just our names as I too wish to eat other animals, well mostly the squirrel and the birdies in the garden! ;)
Ben looks furry nice - we hope you don't eat him too!
Awww Ben is a cutie and I hope you become good friends.
Hi Isis!
I am happy to hear that your sissy is back! Ben looks like a nice pup! I hope you become good pals!
I am glad you are back and that Sister is healing. You and Ben make a striking pair (black and white). I bet Sister will take some great photos of you together. If you train this pup right, he will do YOUR bidding. Hopefully your world will be more settled again.
Ben is a cutie. He's lucky you didn't try to eat him. Playing is much more fun!
We're glad your sisters wounds are healing and she is back to blogging.
Awww...Ben is so cute! It's great that you seem to get along together...*grins* You're right, Isis! Tobey kind of looks like him...hehe!
Hi Isis,
Just thinking of you and hope all is well. Has Ben come to visit again?
Ben's a handsome fellow, isn't he? I'm hopin' we'll see pictures of he and Hans snoozin' together soon! I'm glad you've come back to us, Isis.
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