Breaking News. Regular posts under this one!

My blog is updated ahead of time- if i take a while to get back to your comments, i'm sorry! I still love you all and will visit whenever sister can help me.

Sister also helps my nephew Hansel blog - and it's updated ALMOST every day.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Where has the time gone?

HI all.

It's been a while! I have some photos that i wanted to show you,
of my yard getting ready for fall.
I will show you those this week.

As for my health- thank you all for being concerned about me, and all the good positive comments and well wishes. I am doing pretty well. I am still very tippy, and probably always will be. Sometimes, i want to run and i just can't, because up gets confused with down, and well. It's hard.
i'm very tilty. When you look at me, i almost always have my head to one side. But, i'm getting around pretty well. I'm still taking my glucosamine, and tramadol IF i need it. But most of the time i don't.
I still love walks, and dad has started taking me on special walks in the morning, which i love very very much. I have my own yard so most of the time when i go out, it's to lounge in MY territory, but dad knows how much i like walking and going out so he has begun doing that with me. And it's my favorite part of the day.

Now, here are some great photos.

The last of the peppers from the yard.

Some strange bug that was hanging out on a leaf!

Some webs, spiders are coming out a LOT.

Same web. It was VERY big!

This is actually, mosquito larva in a giant bucket of water.

cool huh?!


Duke said...

You look good to us, Isis! We're glad you're getting special walkies with your dad!
Great photos!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Animal Doctor said...

Isis, we are happy to see you radiating with optimism..not letting your condition weigh you down. You are in our thoughts, Isis. Take care always.

Scarlet and the rest of the Animal Doctor's furry crew.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Great pikhs

BUT the bestest one was WOO!

We are glad to see woo!


Lacy said...

w00fs, agrees wiff khyra, the bestest piksur wuz of u..happy to hear u still get your walks...

b safe,

Teddy Bear said...

Isis, it's so great to see you again.:) We're glad you're doing well. That bug looks like a piece of wood.:)

Teddy Bear

Lorenza said...

I am happy to know you are doing well.
Paws crossed for you.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

TimberLove said...

yeah! Those a grrreat pics Isis! Good to hear woo are getting on OK:) play bows,

RA & Isis

White Dog Blog said...

Isis, my beautiful friend, it is so good to see you posting again! It is wonderful that dad is taking you on special walks. Lots has happened at our house but I suppose Ben has been keeping you up to date on the news. Mom really likes all of the insect photos (she's weird that way)!