My blog is updated ahead of time- if i take a while to get back to your comments, i'm sorry! I still love you all and will visit whenever sister can help me.
Sister also helps my nephew Hansel blog - and it's updated ALMOST every day.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Finally Friday.
Ben. Get back here! where are you going!
hellllllllloooooooo i'm not done playing with you yet.
Really! Get your little scrawny butt back down those stairs and run around with me!
Ben DOES look like a baby goat when he's wet! You, of course, look like a magical snow princess. Enjoy the snow...plants are starting to bloom in Albuquerque.
Nice pictures Isis. Mom is laughing out loud at the captions of your pictures.
Isis, you're so cute. our furriend Maxx would LOVE to play wif you in the snow!!! He LOVES to dive into snowbanks and tunnel around.
My mom sooooo laughed aloud the goat khomment!
I wish I khould have been there with woo!
I never run out of energy to play!
Hi, Isis!
I guess it is too cold for Ben!
He does not have a fur like yours!
A baby goat?? Haaaaa!
Kisses and hugs
Ben DOES look like a baby goat when he's wet! You, of course, look like a magical snow princess. Enjoy the snow...plants are starting to bloom in Albuquerque.
heh heh And this is why us kittehs stay inside on wet cold days.
I guess Ben doesn't like the snow? You sure look pretty w/ all that white snow. Did you have fun playing in it?
Teddy Bear
Awwww Mom loves all those pawprints in the snow!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Isis, you have a lot to say, don't ya!?? Hee hee, you're like me! I always have something to say!
Ben.... he looks so funny when he's wet with snow!
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