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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

High Winds.

Dad showed sister our poor banana plant. The high winds we had last week were NOT kind at all.

See how ripped up our poor plant is?

Here is a close up of our leaves. I feel kind of bad for him. Poor plant. (and no he doesn't grow bananers)


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Stay in bed, it's cold outside, you woke up this early, princess?Oh poor banana leaves being torn by the mean wind.
During my walkie, I noticed there were a few banana trees in the neighborhood.

Daisy said...

I was wondering if it grew bananers or not. Sorry his leaves got hurted.

White Dog Blog said...

I hate it when it REALLY windy outside. It makes the tree branches scrape against the house and make scary noises and it blows everything around in the yard. Your poor plant! Maybe it can come inside for winter?

Duke said...

Wow! Look at the size of those leaves! What a neat plant! That's such a shame about the banana plant getting whipped by the wind!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Devil Dog said...

Wow, that really got shredded. Will it get better?


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Awww...poor plant. Hope it will get better soon.


The Cat Realm said...

Oh my - the poor plant! We are sure it will recover? Our plants sometimes get eaten by the wildlife - we had a pot full of the most beautiful big clover - and today it is ALL gone - a deer must have come througt at night.....

Lorenza said...

Hi, Isis!
Poor no bananas plant!
Winds are not good for them, right?
Kisses and hugs