Breaking News. Regular posts under this one!

My blog is updated ahead of time- if i take a while to get back to your comments, i'm sorry! I still love you all and will visit whenever sister can help me.

Sister also helps my nephew Hansel blog - and it's updated ALMOST every day.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Roamin Tuesday.

Ahhh i love the fall. This time of year when it starts getting nice and cold... its the best time of year.

I could be outside all day long! its great!

I can't wait for winter.

Its when i can take a break from grounds keeper and focus all my attention to inside. Just to make sure my beans stay nice and healthy.

And when i'm outside and theres snow.... i can devote all my time to playing! i mean, helping the hoomans shovel... ha.... Well. I tell them where to put the snow so i have a SNOW FORT!


The Meezers or Billy said...

mommy loves the snow. my furriend Max loves the snow too - his furrs (like yours) match the snow and he loves to dive in and out of the snow banks.

your furs are very lovely

Anonymous said...

Princess Isis,

Your a very beautiful grounds keeper.
I wish I had a back yard like yours...Hugs Ariel

PB 'n J said...

We love fall too, but we're not so keen on winter - we spend most of our time inside once the snow flies!

Daisy said...

Isis, I think you were just made for the snow! I wish it would snow where I live.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

With all the fur....we can understand why you love the snow!

The Devil Dog said...

We will make sure to send you all our snow, Isis. We had plenty to share last year.


Duke said...

We're with you, Isis! We love the cooler temps better too and we LOVE snow!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lone Star Purrs said...

Momma misses the snow. We used to lif in Colorado Springs.

Regarding nip...Auntie Laura's schnauzer, Grace, always plays wif owr toys when she's heer. We haf to put owr favorites away so they don't get destroyed.

~Meeko & Kaira

Forty Paws said...

Pretty Isis is outside enjoying the fall.

Why is your Dad digging holes?

Luf, Us

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Ooh...winter's coming? I can't wait to see photos of winter...=) I have not seen any snow before...Malaysia has only one season, hot and humid! LOL! Your garden looks gorgeous, as usual...=)


Lorenza said...

Hi, Isis!
Here we don't have snow during the winter but it is very cold.
I prefer Autumn! Not too hot, not too cold!
Kisses and hugs

White Dog Blog said...

Isis, don't you just love to stand in the wind with your nose raised in the air and feel your fur rippling? I love this time of year, too!

duo_disaster said...

We just love that fluffy white coat and that cute face of yours!