Walk A Thon!
Sister has a BAD migraine, so, this won't be super long, and i won't get to comment on all your blogs.
This, is Norbert:
This is Nelly:
Both were VERY excited about the event they were about to attend! This was going to be all of our first walk a thons! But it won't be our last! It was GREAT fun!
This was also Nelly's first experience out with a bunch of dogs. She was a rescue and can sometimes be skittish. Well, we were about to test her.
Here is the sign in booth- unfortunately for us, it was raining a lot, so we couldn't take our cameras and get great pictures. BUT we did get to use our cell phones. :)
So, here is the entrance and sign up.
Here's Nelly waiting patiently with mom for the walk to start. See, she's wearing her great ribbon necklace! And Nelly did just fine with the other dogs!
Here is norbert watching nelly walking over there with mom. He got to walk with me because he was the least nervous. He did really well too.
Reunited and ready for the great walk!
After the walk, mom and babies celebrate! She tells them how proud she is of them being so good and getting along with the other dogs!
There were a TON of people there! it was a great turnout!
We met a lady who is a client of ours who raised over 750!
Sister raised 300 thanks to all of you kind bloggers! This was so much fun, we're def. doing it again next year!
Here is our other friend's dog, Cleevis- totally wiped from the walk! He crashes at the end. He made so many doggie friends! He likes to get right in on the action! He was the center of much attention. Both dog and hooman.
He says, 'mom, i'm so tired.'
Cleevis had his own collar that his mom bought him. It had little bells on it! very cute!

The other girls took some more photos- when they develop them i hope to get copies and share with all of you!
w00f's Isis, sorry sister has a migraine, me hopes her feels better soon...u shure meeted a lot of friends at the walk..and the necklaces iz bute ti ful..
b safe,
I'm not a people person. But I am a dog person. It lokes like a lot of fun. Nelly and Norbert loke like nice dogs. I hope you get the copies. I sent you my card to day. I hope you like it! Maxy insisted for it to be from both of us but I made it. (With som hellp from mommy of course.)
Hi, Isis!
I hope your sister is feeling better now!
Your friends look great with their necklaces!
Kisses and hugs
We had to laugh at Cleevis! What a hoot!
We hope sister's migraine is all better soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Yah for Nelly! Norbert looked like he had a blast, and Cleevis is just hilarious..he probably liked the cool, wet pavement on his belleh!
Yay, Isis!
I am so glad you had a wonderful time!
We are so proud of all of you! You did a wonderful thing...especially in the rain!
Looks like you all had alot of fun.
I hope sister feels better soon.
I've also given you an award please go to my blog and see :)
Cleevis looks very tired. What a fun time for you guys!
Luf, Us
Dat looks like fun!! I wonder if I get to go on a walk that big??
::springs in my feet::
::springs in my feet;:
I is Jake!
Wow, Isis, everydog looks beautiful in their ribbon necklaces! Your Sis did a great job! Everydog looks so festive.
I would like to exchange cards with you, except mine is not exactly a card, but you will see! So, put me down for your card exchange!
Wow - it looks like it was a great event! We sure are glad your sister had a good time, but we hope her migraine goes away soon!
Wow Isis that looks like it was a great time!
I'd love to trade holiday cards with you! I think your sister has my address already, 'cause the kitties are trading cards with Tesla and Hans - but you can email me! georgethepup@gmail.com
We're late!
But nonetheless we hope the evil migraine had not been stucked to her for too long!
It looks like a nice event to be there, but why Isis we cant find you in those peeps? WRU?
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