This is to show some things that change with the weather.
This is my dad's Banana plant. You cut it down real low in winter, and from spring until now its huge! But not that huge- sister is actually laying on the porch to get this shot. Sometimes she's very very strange! She said it looks tropical! (don't be fooled! banana plants are harmful to animals if ingested!)
This banana plant is hiding a dirty secret. He's not doing so well! Look at his leaves! This is a force of nature that even the most professional grounds keeper like myself cannot fight. I must let the plants go when its time to go. As hard as it may be.
My basil patch! Yes, MINE! i hide behind it. I keep it nice and fresh. this patch is beautiful. However...
Another patch thats getting more shade than the other one, is starting to suffer slightly...
I don't like nature sometimes.
Hi, Isis!
Did you know that here we use banana leaves to wrap the tamales??
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
My girl would be afraid to eat bananas or basil that grew in our yard. She doesn't want to eat something that I "watered" hehehe.
Hi Isis. wow, you live somewhere you can grow bananer plants. that's pretty cool!
Does it grow real bananers on it?
We wish we could have a banana plant in our yard!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
LOL I love bananas!
w00f's Isis, u has a bute ti ful garden...heehee mama and daddy not got nuffin yet..
b safe,
Isis, I bet those huge banana leaves would be great to lounge under during the hot summer...very shady and cool! My dad is very jealous of your basil plants; his were burnt to a crisp in the New Mexico sun!
By the way, here in Albuquerque there are LOTS of dog-friendly restaurants that let me sit with my parents out on the patio (I cannot go inside). Usually they bring me water and sometimes a special treat! If you come visit me I will take you to my favorite ones!
Hai Isis! I is Jake! I bet its fun to water da plants though!!
::springs in my feet::
::springs in my feet::
I is Jake!
Hi Isis!
I missed you! Hope you are doing well...=)
The photos are so cool! We get a lot of banana trees here in Malaysia too, but I don't have one in my yard...hehe!
Your basil patch is flourishing! Will your sis pluck some and make some delicious meals for you with them? *wink*
Cool banana tree mom's jealous :)
I think your yard is pretty cool. Mine has ticks so I'm not allowed to play in it.
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